Become a member of Ambassador Theater's support group. We are able to fulfil our mission only through the generosity of people like you.
Support Levels
Global Citizen $30,000 and above
- Recognition in all publications and advertising materials
- Invitations and tickets to all events and opening performances for 10 people
- Invitation to Special Annual Gala at the foreign Embassy hosted by the Ambassador of the specific country
- Lunch with the Ambassador
- Backstage pass with actors reception
- Tickets/Invitation to A Sepcial Art Exhibion
- Meet the artist/playwright/star
Ambassador $20,000
- Recognition in all publications and advertising materials
- Invitations and tickets to all events and performances for 6 people
- Invitation to Special Annual Gala at the foreign Embassy hosted by the Ambassador of the specific country
- Lunch with the Ambassador
- Backstage pass with actors reception
Charge d’Affair $15,000
- Recognition in all publications and advertising materials
- Invitations and tickets to all events and performances for 4 people
- Invitation to Special Annual Gala at the foreign Embassy hosted by the Ambassador of the specific country
- Lunch with the Ambassador
- Backstage pass with actors reception
Deputy Chief of Mission $10,000
- Recognition in all publications and advertising materials
- Invitations and tickets to all events and performances for 2 people
- Invitation to Special Annual Gala at the foreign Embassy hosted by the Ambassador of the specific country
- Backstage pass with actors reception
Cultural Attaché $5,000
- Recognition in all publications and advertising materials
- Invitations and tickets to all events and performances for 2 people
- Invitation to Special Annual Gala at the foreign Embassy hosted by the Ambassador of the specific country
- Backstage pass with actors reception
Consul $1,000
- Recognition in all publications and advertising materials
- Invitations and tickets to all events and performances 2
- Invitation to Special Annual Gala at the foreign Embassy hosted by the Ambassador of the specific country
Minister $500
- Recognition in all publications and advertising materials
- Invitation and ticket to all opening performance for 1
- Invitation to Special Annual Gala at the foreign Embassy hosted by the Ambassador of the specific country
- Backstage pass with actors reception
Diplomat $50
- Recognition
- 20% off the ticket price to one show for you and a guest
Advertising Prices
Support Ambassador Theater while you promote your organization.
- Full Inside Cover Page of the program $1,000
- Full Back Page $1,000
- Full Inside Back Page $700
- Half Page $500
- Business Card $100
- Website Link $200/month (minimum order-3 months)
- Website half year link $500
- Website 1 year link $800